Fenix E18R V2.0 - Lanternă EDC - 1200 Lumeni - 146 Metri - Black
■ Putere de 1200 lumeni și o distanță maximă de 146 metri a fasciculului de lumină.
■ Utilizează un LED de tip Luminus SST40 lumină albă-rece (6000 K) cu o durată de viață de 50 000 ore.
■ Baterie reîncărcabilă Li-Ion ARB-L16-700P - INCLUSĂ.
■ Port de reîncărcare USB Type-C.
■ Bază magnetică pentru facilitarea utilizării hand-free (mâini libere).
■ Clemă de buzunar reversibilă - asigură depozitarea/transportarea cu ramă în sus sau în jos.
■ Comuator universal de operare (All-function Side Switch).
■ Funcți inteligentă de blocare - evită activarea accidentală.
■ Indicator al nivelului bateriei - ajutându-vă să verificați oricând starea bateriei.
■ Fabricată din aluminiu A6061-T6.
■ Finisaj anodizat premium tip HAIII.

Turbo: 1200 Lumens, 30 minutes, 146 meters
High: 350 Lumens, 1.20 hours, 81 meters
Med: 150 Lumens, 2.5 hours, 53 meters
Low: 30 Lumens, 15 hours, 23 meters
Moonlight: 1 Lumen, 200 hours, 9 meters
Strobe: 1200 Lumens
Notice: According to the ANSI/PLATO FL1 standard, the above specifications are from the results produced by Fenix through its laboratory testing using one Fenix ARB-L16-700P rechargeable battery under the temperature of 21±3°C and humidity of 50% - 80%. The true performance of this product may vary according to different working environments and the actual battery used.
*The Turbo/High output are measured in a total of runtime including output at reduced levels due to temperature or protection mechanism in the design.
Instrucțiuni de operare:
Press and hold the side switch for 0.5 seconds to turn on/off the light.
Output Selection
With the light switched on, single click the side switch to cycle through Moonlight→Turbo→Low→Med→High→Turbo.
Press and hold the side switch for 1.2 seconds to enter Strobe, single click the side switch again to turn back to the previously used mode.
Intelligent Memory Circuit
The light memorizes the last selected output excluding Turbo and strobe. When turned on again the previously used output will be recalled. The High mode will be activated when turned on again if the light is turned off on Turbo mode.
With the light switched off, double click the side switch the light flashes twice and enters lockout mode, double click the side switch again to unlock the light.
Condiție de utilizare:
Lanternele Fenix trebuiesc alimentate doar cu baterii sau acumulatori Fenix sau alte branduri de calitate superioară (ex: Panasonic, Samsung, Sony, Sanyo). Utilizarea de baterii sau acumulatori de calitate inferioară sau îndoielnică, duce la pierderea garanției (ex: UltraFirc, Castinoo, Boruit, Eilong, Gif, etc).
Recomandări de utilizare a bateriilor / acumulatorilor:
* 16340 Li-ion batteries are powerful cells designed for commercial applications and must be treated with caution and handled with care. Only use quality batteries with circuit protection will reduce the potential for combustion or explosion; but cell damage or short circuiting are potential risks the user assumes.
Battery Replacement
Unscrew the light tail and insert the battery with the anode side (+) towards the light head, then screw the light tail back on.
1. First switch off the light and plug the USB A socket of the charging cable into an electrical outlet, then connect the USB Type-C socket of the charging cable to the light.
2. The indicator will display red while charging, and will turn green when fully charged.
3. Once charging is completed, be sure to close the anti-dust cover to maintain the dustproof and waterproof ability.
1. The normal charging time of the included Fenix ARB-L16-700P rechargeable Li-ion battery is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes from depletion to full charging.
2. Recharge a stored light every four months to maintain optimum performance of the battery.
Battery Level Indication
Each time the light is turned on, the indicator will indicate the battery level and will last for 3 seconds.
Green light on: saturated 100% - 85%
Green light flashes: sufficient 85% - 50%
Red light on: poor 50% - 25%
Red light flashes: critical 25% - 1%
Note: This only works with Fenix ARB-L16-700P 16340 rechargeable Li-ion battery.
Intelligent Overheat Protection
The light will accumulate a lot of heat when used on relatively high modes for extended periods. When the light reaches a temperature of 60°C or above, the light will automatically step down a few lumens to reduce the temperature. When the temperature drops below 60°C, it will then allow the user for the reselection of high modes.
Low-voltage Warning
When the voltage level drops below the preset level, the flashlight is programmed to downshift to a lower brightness level until Moonlight mode is reached. When this happens in Moonlight mode, the light constantly blinks red to remind you to timely recharge or replace the battery.
Note: This only works with Fenix ARB-L16-700P 16340 rechargeable Li-ion battery.
Condiție de utilizare:
Lanternele Fenix trebuiesc alimentate doar cu baterii sau acumulatori Fenix sau alte branduri de calitate superioară (ex: Panasonic, Samsung, Sony, Sanyo). Utilizarea de baterii sau acumulatori de calitate inferioară sau îndoielnică, duce la pierderea garanției (ex: UltraFirc, Castinoo, Boruit, Eilong, Gif, etc).
Pachetul conține:
■ 1 * Lanternă Fenix E18R V2.0
■ 1 * Acumulator reîncărcabil Li-Ion Fenix ARB-L16-700P
■ 1 * Cablu de reîncărcare tip USB Type-C
■ 1 * Șnur
■ 1 * O-ring - garnitură de rezervă
■ 1 * Catalog promoțional
■ 1 * Manual de utilizare
- Garanție 60 luni (5 ANI)
- 6 luni Garantie extinsa - Fenix recomandă clienților săi să înregistreze Numărul Serial aferent fiecărei lanterne Fenix, pe site-ul oficial: www.fenixlight.com.
Astfel, dupa înregistrare, fiecare produs va primi o perioadă suplimentară de garanție de încă 6 luni.
În total, 66 de luni de reparații gratuite !